Nene’s Glucose Guardians

It’s amazing what men will give for some pussy. Nene admits she knows she can get the money without sex, but says that’s no fun.

Her story is one that deserves a movie; a Lifetime Channel movie at least. She didn’t start out by having soo many. She didn’t even realize it started how it did.

Nene had a boyfriend right out of high school. He was older and genuinely tried to take care of her. She had a shitty home life and didn’t really have many friends. He took care of her in little monetary ways to start, buying her clothes or groceries, paying a bill or two every now and again. Then as their relationship became more toxic, fights and breakups, the money he spent when things “were good” increased. And good was of course by his standard not hers, she she put out or did things just for him, she was rewarded monetarily. She didn’t realize at the time, how toxic that behavior really was, nor how it was conditioning her for her future glucose guardians.

It was during one of those toxic breakups with Cody that Nene met Rusty. She was a server as a little popular diner and met all kinds of people. Sometimes they’d come in a little drunk needing some food and someone to talk to before they went home to their wives. She usually enjoyed the conversation, they tipped her decent enough the more she listened.

Rusty was in a rough place, having just gotten divorced, and wasn’t dealing with it well. He starting coming in on Nene’s every shift. One night they were complaining to each other about life, and Nene mentioned her bills were gonna be tight that week, her boyfriend Cody, cheated on her and wasn’t around to help out anymore. What she didn’t expect was for Rusty to leave her $200 in cash that night.

She was so thankful and relieved of the stress, the next time she saw him, she asked if he wanted to go on a date. He agreed. Feeling the pressure, he suggested they go to a super fancy place, clearly he would pay for it all. So she got dolled up and off they went.

Neither one of them held back on how awkward the date was. As Nene watched him drop soo much money, she plotted how to ‘properly thank him’. She ended up following the path Cody led her down, and gave him a blowjob in the car on the way to a post dinner drink. They never went on a fancy date again, but still occasionally saw each other outside her working. It was usually in a car in a parking lot near where she worked. But he was giving her decent money, and they’d hook up occasionally.

As Rusty got to feeling better about himself after his divorce, and Cody kept showing back up on occassion; things died down between Rusty and Nene. The next time Cody went out of town for work, he’d be gone for a couple of months at a time, Nene decided to find her another friend. She put some discreet feelers out, thinking she’d only get one bite.

Boy was she wrong. All three of her feelers came back hot. She decided why not go for it. She was never real specific on the details of how that initial conversation actually went, but Nene says she was open and honest about what she was looking for. I extrapolated that to telling these men she was looking for a sugar daddy, with lots of sex benefits but no strings.

These men didn’t know they weren’t the only one. She was smart to ask people from different circles on slightly different schedules. After only a few months of these 3 new men, with Rusty occasionally in the mix; Nene was on top of the world. Not only were her bills getting paid, on time; she was getting clothes, perfume, and even some jewelry as presents too.

Slowly, she began adding more to her queue. She realized they didn’t all have what it took. Some started to catch feelings, and she didn’t want to be tied down. She also realized that she needed to have a sliding scale for her fees. Not every willing man has the same bank account to spend, although she learned they all did have one and were willing, they just had different amounts of money.

At some point, it became less about the money. Although there had to be some level of money. She was enjoying the thrill. Watching these men that she had “secret” relationships come in and be flirty with her on her shift, while others were doing the same thing. She assumed no one could tell the difference between random men she’s flirting with and those she would sneak away to fuck in the parking lot.

It turned out, that what she craved more than the money, was the secret controll she felt. As long as those bills got paid and she got some extras, she was good. But that feeling on control to keep this secret was where it was at. Of course she had to tell someone, no one knowing wasn’t good enough.  She had a confidant or two.

The first time Nene entered into a “forbidden” situation was a game changer. There is debate open on whether this man was or should have be forbidden. He was truly single, but previously dated Nene’s coworker. The coworker and Bran were amicable, but Mysti divulged she didn’t want Nene to get involved, and Nene told Mysti she wouldn’t.

Then she did. It wasn’t super hidden from onlookers, well them hanging out and him showing up at her work, wasn’t hidden.  What actually happened beyond that is mostly between them. She told her confidant more did happen and what, but told everyone else nothing ever happened.

Then there was Ethan. Her boss’s ex. Sure things were over between Ethan and Sue, but that seemed a strange choice for Nene. Ethan paid the money though, lots of money. It was mostly just flirting and maybe a boob pic or two,  she’d give him special attention when he came in, always respond to his texts, and he paid her bills. It was a long time before anything physical happened, but she learned most guys under 50 wanted that physical at some point.

The high of the control Nene felt from first Bran and then Ethan, could not be matched. She wanted more. Low and behold, an actual taken man then “fell in her lap”. I’m unclear at how hard she tried versus this guy being a douche, but other than buying her some skimpy outfits, he was low on the ability to pay her bills. But the thrill she got from fucking him in the parking lot, especially when his girlfriend worked at the gas station across the street. That was enough for her.

Well, not truly enough.  She wanted more. More men with money, more men that were taken. More. More. More.

Nene has continued to add more glucose guardians to her repertoire,  some with lots of money and some that were more salt than sugar, but taken. So she got that controll high she desperately needed.

She even went so far as to start this sort of relationship with a coworker in a relationship. This was the ultimate controll high. Not only did his longterm girlfriend he lived with not know, but none if there coworkers or boss seemed to know. Well except for the confidant she had to tell. It was fun to get away with everything and for no one to know.

Well, after a few months of this newest situation, Nene started to get cocky about it all. Some questions arose about a relationship with a married man, and then coworkers started to notice some odd things between them. Mostly it was just weird and they shoved it off as another weird day. But the same boss that put up with Nene having this weird relationship with her ex, minutes after they broke up, saw some weird things on the camera a couple times; and started noticing some little weird interactions. She knew in her soul something inappropriate was happening.

Clothes from her men was coming to her work. Certain guests started to only show up when she was on shift.  She was still managing to keep them mostly separate.

Until one day, the stars aligned in the favor of the unknowing woman in these cheater relationships. Four men whom all knee each other, and all part of her money/control scheme came in at the same time. I wish the camera could have fully caught the panic on her face in that moment. Unfortunately all it caught was her mouth dropping a second before she put her head in her hands. She then took a quick bathroom break to decompose herself. She was a master at this. She could handle it.

Her worst nightmare when she came out of the bathroom. Three of the men were talking to each other. She tried to be nonchalant about it, being her normal flirty self with all of them. It was the fourth man that was there at that time that ruined everything.

His wife finally found out, and she was threatening divorce, and he would lose everything. He was besides himself. To the point of causing a little scene. It behooved her to calm him down to avoid a scene. Too late.

One of the other men recognized him, probably because he worked at the diner too and Joe was a regular. He walked over to Joe to see what was going on. This guy, in his weakest moment, spilled the beans about everything. As Joe was telling Mike all about his situation with Nene, Mike was shocked.

Mike had a very similar situation with Nene, except they were coworkers too. And he truly thought he was going to break it off with his long term girlfriend and be with Nene, the timing just was t quite right yet.

But the shock from her situation with Joe, and then suspected situation with his friend Ethan, it was all coming into focus. Nene wasn’t going to just be with him, if he left his girlfriend and was with her, he’d still have to share her. He didn’t like that.

As Joe is making the biggest scene crying like a toddler, Mike is back to Ethan and Pete, and that’s when Joe’s wife walks in. No one really saw what she was holding, but her walk was definitely odd.

Mike was watching Joe and his wife talk, or more accurately scream at each other and Nene, when he decided to ask Ethan and Pete about their situations with her. Feeling like he needed to confirm that weren’t also in relationships with her. Sure Joe was married so that wasn’t competition. But these two were single, and Ethan had a lot of money he typically blew on random things, so it wasn’t out of the question that it could be Nene.

Before Mike got any answers from Ethan or Pete, the unthinkable happened…

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